Thursday, 30 May 2013


         I guess I should start by explaining what this blog is about. Basically I love genetics. Ever since my first biology lesson at GCSE level when it was mentioned something caught my imagination. That was it, in that moment I knew I wanted to work in that field or if not a field closely related. During my first year of Sixth Form I studied a course with the Open University which was entitled Human Genetics and Health Issues. Through studying at that high a level I started to appreciate what genetics could do and how wide an impact it actually has. Also I hadn't realized how many ethical issues there are surrounding genetics, particularly stem cell research as in the stroke trial that is currently ongoing.
        I guess I also have a pretty personal reason for liking genetics as well. I have Turners Syndrome, for anyone that doesn't know this is the condition that originates from inheriting only one X chromosome. There are also other conditions in my immediate family which I have looked into and research seems to show that at least part of their conditions is based in genetics. Either way there is definitely a personal interest there either selfish or curious about others I'll let you decide.
        As curious as I was then and still am I did a lot of reading and found myself doing a degree in Bio-medical Sciences where again my interest was captured by the genetics modules more than any other. Also in my dissertation I was lucky enough to get the chance to work on a project that aimed to produced plasmid vectors the would underexpress the NDOR1 gene whose products are believed to be involved in the metabolism of some anti-cancer drugs so it is hoped that evidence gathered from this research maybe used for potential cancer therapies. All of this showed me the potential of genetics and the impact it has on each and every one of us.
         When I was in America in the summer of 2012 I met an amazing woman who is currently involved in research so naturally we got chatting and she showed me around her work place which was awesome! This again showed me the power of science and reinforced the idea that I wanted this as a future career. I am still in contact with her and yes ladies and gentlemen we do talk about things other than science (though that is what we both love)

                So that is the short story of how I got to where I am today, basically a petite lady with a big dream which is to get into the field of genetics research. I will use this blog to chart my progress and anything I find interesting as in books or research articles. I am opinionated when it comes to articles so be warned...only joking but I will say what I think.

               Today I might have taken a step in the right direction career wise. I had an interview on Tuesday for a job as a Medical Laboratory Assistant, in the hospital I currently work for, which seemed to go well and I had a tour of the laboratory which was very exciting. A lot different to the laboratories I was used to at university as the tests are mostly done by machines so they are a lot easier to standardize and monitor. It was actually like seeing my dream place to work, a privilege really as currently I work in an office prepping patient notes for clinics. I was contacted today and told I hadn't got the job I was interviewed for, but not all hope is lost ..... and I shall leave you on that cliffhanger. If anyone has any advice or comments in general I would love to know :)  


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