As part of my PhD I have already read so many articles and textbooks my head is spinning with all this new information, but with all of that my studies seem to be forming a direction at last (after at least a month of being a bookworm). Anyway I want to talk about one book in particular which was lent to me by my main supervisor.
It is a sort of guide into the world of epigenetics for beginners which is the stage I was at. A totally fascinating read and goes through step by step the evidence for epigenetics and has lots of diagrams so is very easy to follow and it has a clear logic which is amazing considering the depth of the field and how most of the events are interwoven. It totally changed my view on genetics, before I viewed it as very static with a blueprint and that was it, now it seems more fluid and technically controlled. The depth with which scientists can view things is incredible and this emerging field highlights this. I am so excited to hopefully be contributing work to this field in my PhD...bring on the fun in the next 3yrs